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Video丨Let's solve the mysteries of Nanhai Ⅰ Shipwreck Maze

2023-07-29 13:19:38来源:羊城派




If anyone gets lost in the Nanhai Ⅰ Shipwreck Maze, how can they decipher the mysteries? Recently, the exhibition "Starting from Guangzhou: Nanhai Ⅰ Shipwreck and the Maritime Silk Road" opened in the King Tomb Exhibition Area of the Nanyue King Museum in Guangzhou. Geniuses must find evidence of the Nanhai Ⅰ Ship passing through Guangzhou within 10 minutes at this exhibition.


在这艘满载货物的南宋古沉船上,什么物品能证明它曾经来过广州?误入“南海Ⅰ号”迷阵,该如何解谜?近日,“从广州出发——‘南海Ⅰ号’与海上丝绸之路”展览在广州南越王博物院王墓展区开幕。挑战者需在10分钟内,从这个展览上找出“南海Ⅰ号”途经广州的证据。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

策划|孙爱群 陈桥生监制|邓琼 蒋铮 侯恕望统筹|朱绍杰 何奔执行|周欣怡 彭灏明 陈晓楠出镜|刘颖颖视频|唐德荣 戚容源 林丹丹 谢珂婧(实习) 吴沐萱(实习)包装|张惠鑫

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青

